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【语音合成前端】Unified Mandarin TTS Front-end Based on Distilled BERT Model 论文解读

Unified Mandarin TTS Front-end Based on Distilled BERT Model

【语音合成前端】Flavored Tacotron Conditional Learning for Prosodic-linguistic Features 论文解读

Flavored Tacotron Conditional Learning for Prosodic-linguistic Features

【语音合成前端】A unified sequence-to-sequence front-end model for Mandarin text-to-speech synthesis 论文解读

A unified sequence-to-sequence front-end model for Mandarin text-to-speech synthesis

【多音字消歧】Knowledge Distillation from Bert in Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning for Polyphone Disambiguation 论文解读

A Mask-based Model for Mandarin Chinese Polyphone Disambiguation

【多音字消歧】A Bi-directional LSTM Approach for Polyphone Disambiguation in Mandarin Chinese论文解读

A Bi-directional LSTM Approach for Polyphone Disambiguation in Mandarin Chinese

【多音字消歧】A Mask-based Model for Mandarin Chinese Polyphone Disambiguation 论文解读

A Mask-based Model for Mandarin Chinese Polyphone Disambiguation





进程(Process) 狭义的进程是正在运行的程序的实例;广义的进程是一个具有一定独立功能的程序关于某个数据集合的一次运行活动,是操作系统动态执行的基本单元。进程间数据不共享(因此才会有进程间通讯这个课题,进程间通讯的方法有:匿名管道,有名管道,消息队列,信号量,信号,共享内存,套接字等等)。 线程(Thread) 线程是程序执行流的最小单位;一个标准的线程由线程ID、当前指令指针(PC)...


Transpose Convolution

问题 之前遇到过多次转置卷积的运算,查了就忘,这次在PQMF算法C语言实现过程中,对转置卷积采用矩阵乘加速,就详细记录下来分析过程。这里采用语音领域常用的一维转置卷积为例,高维会更简单。 一维转置卷积矩阵乘分析 输入输出信信息 input: [batch size, input channel, input length] weight(kernel): [output channel, ...


denoise and dereverberation

降噪技术在TTS中也占有很重要的地位,最近看了几篇语音增强的论,文此处留坑记录几个去噪声方法 WPE facebook denoiser amazon poconet amazon percepnet